Lunchbox Hacks to Live By


lunchboxBack to school doesn’t have to mean back to your classic PB&J. This year, kick it up a notch without adding time or stress to your routine. Yes, we know that sounds impossible, but we’ve got your back with a few clever hacks to save yourself time and improve the lunchtime routine.



Most importantly, save yourself some of that precious time:

  • Keep it colorful – Throw frozen fruit like a handful of blueberries into Tupperware – by the time lunch rolls around, they’ll be perfectly thawed and still cool. Bonus: it acts as an edible ice pack!
  • Prep the night before – Prep as much as possible the night before and keep it consistent. Shop for the same few snacks you know your kids will love and rotate them throughout the week.
  • Be social – Follow or create a Pinterest board so you already have a library of ideas rather than feeling like you’re on the spot each morning.
  • Make a snack station – Build a little snack station with blueberries, nuts and other healthy items in your fridge or pantry (dried blueberries are great, too!). Let your kids have a say in their lunch by placing one or two of those items in their lunchbox.

Get picky eaters to eat healthier:

  • Packaging matters – Kids are consumers just like the rest of us – they’re drawnsmores to a good presentation, so
    grab a bento box to make eating (and yes, actually finishing lunch) more fun. Bonus: bento boxes are perfect for keeping fruit and veggies from making sandwich bread soggy.
  • Tap into trends – Make your kids’ meal the coolest in the lunchroom with fruit s’mores, party mix or a fun-to-eat blueberry fruit kebab.smoothie
  • Fill up on fruit  Fill up reusable food pouches with homemade smoothies, and your kiddos will be quick to slurp down a snack packed with vitamins and nutrients.

What are your time (and stress) saving tips to make back-to-school a little smoother? Share with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!